LOVE is.... Just think of your falls in love, how different they were: shy tender love, passion, desire, forgiving and blessing, giving, selfish, possessive. It may bring joy and great pain, inspiration and disappointment, breath of freedom and grip of bondage. So many faces! What makes Love so different? Don’t you think that we, our heart, our expectations, our spirit does? Love could be met by higher spirit that brings creativity and energy, changes for good, the personal growth, and by dark spirit that brings fears, dependences, resentments, jealousy, breaks, downs. Love itself is a pure energy that comes to us to check up our spirit. It may face our wrong demands, selfishness, and fears or take it all out from hidden rooms of our heart, provoking pain, demonstrating our weaknesses and our strengths, shaking us, testing our ability to cope with own dragons, the obstacles to pure positive love. The positive pure space of our heart and soul when fulfilled by love demonstrates the unique abilities, great work and the personal growth, that gives us “high spirit”. We all like it in Love. The Love could be compared to the Stare for its different spiritual level and the vision given on every its stage. And as a stare Love has two ways to go: dawn and up, and where the person goes depends only on him, on how this person handles Love. Because Love is all, it is a reflection of our soul state, it stir up feelings, appearing sweet and bitter, challenge and cross and every step of loving is different. It may start from any step of Love Stare and be ended before passing all. And in life one may experience even a few steps of Love Stare, or stick to one or two. Love appears and demonstrates our spiritual life stage, by trailing our spirit, provoking us to change for good and leaving beautiful fruits, or founding us reluctant to grow leaves us upset or even down when we failed learning the lessons. The blessed experience of Love is for good, by passing steps towards heaven in heart, mind, soul, the highest point, that is so close to divine. - Have you ever love the person to find the power of change for better, inspiration to be greater, to create, to make to grow? - There is positive energy of Love that faced no fears or doubts. - Have you ever love the person to be happy for the choice that brings joy, wellbeing for her/him even if it is a love choice? - In this case, you spirit was free from jealousy, from arrogance. It was a pure energy that feeds you, not breaks you. Let it be. The important thing here is that you know that you love this person and wish the best. May be one day you will be together, this life or the other, may be not, and this is just a karmic partner to bring you Love, no matter, but there is for sure the pure energy that was brought to you and may be used by you for Good. How we feel Love? Loving, feelings, emotions, results Love is...Different, as different we are, as different our spiritual stage and mix. What is Love filling? Love is. A Pure Energy that creates a wave of change What is the Aim of Love? Love is The Way to the Heaven for pure spirit.