Stress? How to deal with.
First I would like to notice that I consider any stress to be a conflict that may be caused by internal conflicts (in mind, in body) and by a conflict with one's environment (family, relation, society, nature factors - all by all means). The ancients Romans used to say that 75 % of problems are resolved by themselves, without you. Either the meaning of it is that 75 % of problems or anxieties are fabricated... or else... But
If you examine your life you will find the truth in this old saying: "It
is the business of religion and philosophy to free us from all unnecessary
anxieties", I would call it to be as well a duty of the arts. And I hope that my work in words and colours may be helpful. What to do first? Anyway, before to go forward to the solution, the first thing is to ascertain the situation to find the source of disturb. Ask yourself and write all the possible answers down and study so What kind of disturb? Internal:
kind of misbalance in the body or feelings? Here
you shall check up everything, every factor, it is necessary! What
exactly is the source of your disturb? Can this factor be ignored, forgotten, isolated, left? Can you live without? Can you go over it? What is about the life behind of this factor? Without it? Talk to yourself as to the best close dear friend and give the advice to?
Write down, read and get answers to every point.
Feeling unhappy, depressed, weak??? it
may be caused by black glasses of vision and bad expectations or
misbalanced body system (unhealthy misbalancing life style) If it caused by bad expectations, worries, bad thoughts, the lost or any bad experience of the pass , think and study why and what kind of the experience of the past and answer why the past worth making trouble to you today? Look around everything is changing!!! And remember sorrowful song brings sorrowful existence. I learned it!!! and
do not feed the Evil by any bad or evil ideas and thoughts, do not feed the sorrow by a reply of the sorrowful experience of yours or the others. Remember, sorrowful song brings sorrowful existence!!! And when the kind of song goes into my mind I recollect the voice of Louis Armstrong: Nobody knows the trouble Ive seen, nobody knows but Jesus from his Louis and The Good Book album. Everybody has own unhappy stories, and even the most cheerful one can tell you the most horrific you have ever heard. The life is not simple for anyone in the world and there are many who are in the worst situation and they live and find their way of get the best of it. You can even more you are in the better position. One doesnt appreciate the life until he gets its meaning.
one day saw the reality of the last minutes of my life, of the whole universe life for me, this day I got its value in seeing the beauty of nature (Tomorrow it may not exist for you) in every simple things, I have never appreciated (It may not exist tomorrow to please me!), in work, I havent finished or done yet, in discovers I havent done yet, feelings, places I have never experienced, in true love I haven't met, in family, I havent build and the kids, I havent had And the world became so colourful, so exiting, so fascinating, so much magic, so meaningful to live in even being bedridden as I was that time, just to be, to experience and learn, to get the solution and the score. It worth it and even more, and the limits are to be ruined or accepted: there is no other way to live. The Lord gave us the strength for a change, the serenity to accept the things we cant change, and the WISDOM to understand the difference. And at the moment I recollected Mr.Pickul who was paralyzed by an accident, and all the doctors gave him a few month of life, but he gathered all his will-power and energy to recover. It was not an easy way, step by step when nobody believes it is possible and they say it is useless, he was working on and again and again and again and he had done it!!! He had done the thing that nobody in the world had had no belief in but he did have the lively strong faith and had been working on it and got the result it is the only way. It took a lot of time, months, years, but not the life, He got the fruits of his efforts, he is fine and active and started the life again doing things he really wanted and could step by step...
He got the real joy of life, a meaningful life.
He uses his method to help the others with the same problem to recover, but what it is important he got the life, the faith in and it brought him everything. There was the entrance, so there is the exit somebody said. Think of the possibilities. Study the subject and do things!!! It took me about 3 years to learn the sources of and the treatments against to get complete recover and some more years for liberating from the phantoms of the past that didnt help in presence. Actually that time I had been studying and analyzing the facts and ideas about, the possibilities, the visions . And I was busy: reading, studying, working,having a start from setting small tasks, planning and working on and solving one by one, step by step, to the bigger and complex deeds. I had a positive perception and was ready to work to improve the life. And I did. All that brought me to the psychology. When I got a clue to the exit I wrote Substance of Freedom as a resume of my know-how to feel free to take the outside look at the own life. I hope it may help you as it helped me and the others. External: There are many stress factors the environment may bring. So the first thing is to get the inner balance or peace of mind to be able to get a clear look and effective deeds. External factors: poison leads into intoxication that provokes misbalance, for example. It may be noise of the street, or unpleasant irritating by something or by somebody. Write
down why it touches you and why it is worth your energy, time, nerves to spend thinking about.
Thus, Remember, The Lord gave us the strength for a change, the
serenity to accept the things we cant change and the WISDOM to understand the
difference. If there is a search of oneself or the meaning of life or you are stopped by inner unhappiness try to help yourself, think, ask, read, go to a good psychotherapist or a Magician, try all possibilities to get out of troubles and out of bad perception.
there are some sayings that may clarify the said above:
Look at the art works, read the sayings, go forward to the studies. The article Human Being fundamental types: sketchy description in words and colours may help to realize the general purport of Life. and in art, in sayings, in books you may find out the way even in signs of the day |